Grand Knight: John Warden
To contact the Grand Knight, [email protected].
Sunday, February 2nd KC Breakfast Hall/Kitchen 7:00am – 10:30
Monday, February 3rd KC General Meeting St. Joseph Room 7:30pm – 8:30
Saturday, February 15th Ladies Event TBD 7PM - 10pm
Monday, February 24th KC Executive Meeting St Joseph Room 7:30pm – 8:30
Sunday, March 2nd KC Breakfast Hall/Kitchen 7:00am – 10:30
Monday, March 3rd KC General Meeting St. Joseph Room 7:30pm – 8:30
Monday, March 17th KC Executive Meeting St Joseph Room 7:30pm – 8:30
Saturday, March 22rd Ham Bingo Hall/Kitchen 3:00pm – 10:00
For more information please see Holy Trinity bulletin
A Proud Catholic Heritage Continues – Bishop Ronald Fabbro of the Diocese of London presided over the opening ceremony of Holy Trinity Parish on May 26, 2013. Holy Trinity is a fitting name for the merger of three congregations, Sacred Heart of Princeton, St. Mary’s and St Rita’s both of Woodstock. Combined they had over 300 years of serving the respective needs of the Catholic community.
On April 27th 1952, 45 Catholic Gentlemen were granted with a Charter for a Knights of Columbus Council. Over the years this Council assisted the local Parishes, our Community and Worldwide causes. As the years have gone by, we continue to support the needs of the Church and those around us, and our membership has now grown to over 180 Gentlemen who assist in our motto
Sakura House - Woodstock Altar Servers
Arthritis Highschool Bursaries
Christmas Pageant Holy Trinity Building Fund
Memorial Wreath Missionary Programs
Needy Families Bible Camp
Church Masses Woodstock Right to Life
“RCIA” Bibles Save a Family
Local Schools Rosaries
Sick & Visiting St. Peters Seminary
Sunday School Youth Ministry
New Charities (as they arise) Net Ministries