North Oxford Catholic Family of Parishes
Holy Trinity/Sacred Heart/Holy Cross
December 1st, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians;
During this school year, your sons and daughters who are in grade eight or highschool are invited to participate in another milestone in their faith journey. Youth, who have been baptized in the Roman Catholic faith, are invited to prepare for their last of the three sacraments of initiation: Confirmation
With great joy and anticipation, our North Oxford Catholic Family of Parishes (Holy Trinity, Holy Cross and Sacred Heart) looks forward to working closely with you, the parents, to provide this formation. As your child’s first and foremost teacher of the faith, your help and support are crucial!
Registration for this sacrament is now open and will be accepted until February 28th, 2025. Registrations and the parent/guardian consent form and Liability Waiver can be submitted back to me in an email, dropped off at Holy Trinity Parish secure mail slot located at the staff entrance door or at Sacred Heart Parish office. The registration form/Liability Waiver/Choosing a Sponsor can be found by following the links at the bottom of this letter.
For your son or daughter the first and most important step in preparing for Confirmation is regular (weekly) participation at weekend Mass. Regular participation is an expectation of our faith and is a requirement for their Confirmation Preparation.
Please note: A portion of the preparation process is journaling at Mass. The journaling revolves around the homily (sermon) at Mass. From the time of the beginning of Confirmation preparation until the end of the preparation process there are six weekends beginning March 22/23 consecutively until April 26/27. Candidates will journal on all of these weekends as part of their preparation for the Sacrament. Please understand the commitment that is expected regarding weekly attendance at Mass. Confirmation can happen at any time – it does not have to be in Grade 8. If your child is not ready at this time to make the commitment required of him/her it can be deferred until they are in high school or older.
Preparation Sessions:
The preparation will consist of 6 in person sessions at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. The sessions will run from 6:45 – 8:30 p.m. Attendance is expected and all sessions must be completed. Those who miss a session will be sent the videos along with the discussion questions to complete before the following week’s session.
Wednesday March 26th – Who is the Holy Spirit?
Wednesday April 2nd – The Prayer Process
Wednesday April 9th – What does the Holy Spirit do for me?
Thursday April 24th – The Eucharist
Thursday May 1st – Why have I been Chosen?
Friday May 2nd – Confirmation Retreat with NET at Holy Trinity Parish Hall from 9:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Richard Grecco
Wednesday May 14th and Thursday May 15th - 6:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish
A parent/candidate meeting will be held on Wednesday March 19, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish where more details regarding the preparation and celebration of the sacrament will be given. Please note this meeting is not optional.
Our prayers are with you and your family as you continue to grow together in faith. May God’s blessings be with you!
In Christ,
Fr. Dariusz Jagodzinski Rita Butler
Pastor Confirmation Coordinator