Confirmation 2025
Registration for this sacrament is now open for all students in Grade 8 or high school.
The registration form and liability waiver must be completed and submitted back by February 28th, 2025.
The parent letter with all dates and information pertaining to preparation for this sacrament, registration form, liability waiver, and choosing a sponsor can be found by clicking HERE
A Fond Farewell
My time has come to say good-bye. I’ve reached that ‘magic’ age and now I look forward to starting a new chapter in life. . . Retirement!
Over the past, almost, 27 years, I have been privileged to have been able to serve my parish as Business Manager and in a number of different ways. I have been through many changes . . . .clustering, amalgamations and familying. I have seen both clergy, fellow staff members and parishioners come and go. We have changed our names and our home, but ultimately we are still here, still moving forward and still helping each other to provide places we can come together to pray, celebrate the sacraments, and honour God through the celebration of the Mass. I have met many people over these years, many that I can honestly call ‘friend’. I have watched as children grow up and have families of their own, bringing new life to our parish.
Serving as Manager for our local Cemetery has also been an added privilege in my life. Meeting people when they are the most vulnerable and providing somewhat of a shoulder to lean on has certainly changed the way I look at my fellow man. There is something in that ‘rawness’ that lets you see into the soul of another. It has definitely been one of the most enriching parts of my job.
My job has most definitely been less about numbers and making sure we pay the bills, than it has been about the people. My heart has grown and I will cherish these years.
Now I turn this wonderful office over to someone that many of you already know . . . Laurie Jaszczur. Some of you know her from her years as a teacher in our schools or from the 8:30 choir. Laurie brings a new enthusiasm to the office and is very eager to learn and serve her fellow parishioners. Please welcome Laurie with open arms . . . give her time to settle in though, there is a lot for her to learn!
We also say a fond farewell to Deacon Don, who is officially retiring from service. Don has served well past his years and will be missed immensely. He tried to do this a few years ago, but we wouldn’t let him and I was one of those who delayed his retirement. We wish him a long and healthy retirement as he takes his place alongside his wife Helen in the front pew!
In closing, I thank every one of you for your love and support over these years. I ask that you continue to support our priests, staff and each other as we grow to meet the future!
God bless,
Mary Abbey
Business & Cemetery Manager
North Oxford Catholic Family of Parishes.
For more information on Jubilee-2025 events and resources, please visit the dedicated page on the Diocese website HERE